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Design your home workspace for a relaxed and motivating work life!


Working from home is a new normalcy. Planning of future we need to prepare ourselves to stay at home and yet give our best with more productivity. Setting up a good home workspace gives you a more pleasant energy and makes your life a lot easier.

NSFTID is giving away few interior ideas to transform a small space at your home to a perfect work atmosphere and have a relaxed and hassle free work life!

Good Lighting with ventilation

 Good lighting tops the essential list when creating your own office at home. Artificial lights are good but a natural light can make all the difference. Make sure to create your workspace near by a window where some sunlight can enter. The lights make your endless work seem less effortless and give you a dash of freshness.

Cut the Noise

A noisy workspace is a mess, it will never let you be fully involved with the work, especially if you're in a creative field. Even a slight noise can be debilitating. Create a home office that completely cutes off the noise. This makes your work environment an efficient space and a healthy atmosphere.

If you have a backyard, it's the best option if not choose a sliding door.

The Right Chair

Once your workstation is set, the first essential is to pick a comfy and the right chair. A chair that's not only comfortable but giving you an ample back support is a must. The chair should not let you over stretch or make you clumsy while you are focusing on work. A chair that have rotational wheels are also a good option but mainly make sure your chair give you a good view and support your body.

Play With The Greens!

A healthy home office with some quality air, what could be better than that?

Give your home workspace a touch of green. Either place a large plant by the window or a tiny plant at the desk, whatever suits you the best. The greenery is sure to bring a relaxed environment while you're working. You can also experiment with a DIY plant containers. Choose your indoor plants and let them purify the air for you and give you a feeling of calmness.

Light that welcomes you.

Colors and lighting, it lifts your mood and gives you a fresh start. We all know the feeling of being repelled by boring desk colors, don't make the same mistake with your home workspace. Paint a welcoming color, light bright sunlight yellow or refreshing dark blue or fresh orange. These color combinations will surely take away your morning blues and get you to work with a feeling of gloom.

Showcase those little elements that inspire you!

Home office can be extremely inspiring as it creates an opportunity to escape the traditional work space culture and totally let you be in your own energy where you would love to spend every moment.

Let your home workspace inspire you by adding those little elements that you love. Anything that would reflect the sense of your identity. Whether it's placing a large aircraft showpiece on your table or that little flower plant on the side, putting frames of beaches or your favorite rubix cube.

These little elements can bring a whole new energy within you and would want you to be more productive. Customize it, play with it and let your home workspace be your favorite place.

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